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What our clients say




"I have known Stuart for around 3 years, initially when he joined the Mentors Guild which I co-founded, and which grew to a network of several hundred business coaches.

When we added Mentoring Success to the portfolio, Stuart was an obvious choice to take on a leadership role. I worked with him more closely during this phase and was consistently impressed.

Having interviewed around 2000 business coaches and mentors Stuart stands out as one of the few who can really make a difference. He has extensive experience in business – both large and small - and, uniquely in my experience, his foundations are grounded in scientific research. Combine these with a warm and approachable personality and the result is a winning formula!

In the field of business coaching the theory is really quite straightforward - the practice however is another entirely and there are very few with such expertise and a demonstrable track record of growing their clients’ businesses and, where desired, helping to sell them.

Numerous times I have referred client opportunities to Stuart and he has always delivered."



Business Owner

"I have run a small business since the beginning of 2019. Despite making much progress, I don't have a proven system for generating leads and converting them into business. That's why Stuart's webinar was so useful for me.

Stuart shared a proven formula for business growth and deep dived into a couple of parts of it. I gained lots of practical ideas and value for a short time commitment. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Stuart and his webinar as a result.

I am applying the basics from this session and have grown my audience engagement. I am looking forward to working further with Stuart in future. It turns out that growing my business isn't rocket science..."



Award-winning telemarketing business owner

"Working with Stuart has been the best decision made. He has not tried to change who I am or how I work.

Instead he listened and understood me and built a system to work around me. It has made me excel in growth and capabilities at a great speed. I am so grateful for his wisdom and his vast career history and many experiences have been essential to influencing our business expansion. I cannot recommend him enough."



Business owner

"I would recomend anyone I know that has their own business to speak to Stuart, he is a really knowledgeable and interesting person to speak too, and has a provern track record in helping business to increase productivity and profitability.

I have recently worked with Stuart he has shown me some great tips/habbits to get more out of my working day.

I said to Stuart one of my recent issues was that I can drift through my days with no struture, its just happened over time, I guess we all can get complacent from time to time, so, Stuart talked me through how he focus's and what his daily rountine looks like, and winthin a couple of conversations with him I have become much more efficient.!!"



Social Enterprise business owner

"a great listener and efficient with our time as you went straight in with the question "How can I help?". Your advice was also specific and applicable. I now have an action plan with realistic goals and hoping this will make a difference in our organisation. I am more hopeful and now equipped to go on with the next steps.."



Business owner

"I would recommend anyone I know that has their own business to speak to Stuart, he is a really knowledgeable and interesting person to speak too, and has a proven track record in helping business to increase productivity and profitability.

I have recently worked with Stuart he has shown me some great tips/habits to get more out of my working day.

I said to Stuart one of my recent issues was that I can drift through my days with no structure; it's just happened over time, I guess we all can get complacent from time to time, so, Stuart talked me through how he focuses and what his daily routine looks like, and within a couple of conversations with him I have become much more efficient.!!"

Not seeing growth in your business?

It's time for a new type of business mentoring

We're here to make it happen for your business. It's time for a new type of business mentoring to overcome those business blocks which are holding you back. Staying with the same lead generation, marketing plans, ways of delivering and maximising customer value and pricing which got you to where you are, won't get you to your next phase of growth

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